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Hip Hip hooray, carnival is here!!!!

Carnival time is always a fun and busy time at the school! So much is going on during these two weeks: decorating our classrooms with our carnival crafts; learning carnival songs (which we love); and practising our dances for our carnival party! This year, as the weather was so beautiful, the Prep class went for a picnic to the park in Voula with lots of traditional Greek Lent foods in our picnic baskets - taramosalata, octopus, olives and halva. What a surprise it was for the teachers to see how delicious the children found some of these dishes! After our picnic we attempted to fly a kite, but have to admit that none of us managed to get it flying, even one of our bus drivers tried to help, but with no luck. Never mind, next year we'll try again!

View our photos

[04 April 2014] Visit to the Athens Olympic Stadium[24 March 2014] 25th March Greek Independence Day[10 March 2014] Visit to the supermarket[27 February 2014] Hip Hip hooray, carnival is here!!!![27 February 2014] Carnival Party[26 February 2014] Kite making[21 February 2014] Football field[17 February 2014] Beach[23 January 2014] Mobile Dental Van[29 December 2013] Santa Claus Kingdom[23 December 2013] Father Christmas[18 December 2013] Carol Service[14 December 2013] Bazaar[10 December 2013] Trip to Hellinikon Fire Station[10 December 2013] Theatre [10 December 2013] English theatre club[02 December 2013] Vorres[15 June 2013] Summer Concert[22 May 2013] Field Trip to the Zoo[17 May 2013] Flower Exhibition
Peter Pan School

19 Vassileos Georgiou B,
Voula, 16673
Tel: 2108954480, 210 8959858
Fax: 210 8952074
